Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spontaneous, happy nostalgia.

Many eons ago (somewhere around my junior year of high school), I was given a copy of Wreck This Journal.  It's an awesome book that encourages creativity and destruction.  Each page has a suggestion of how to destroy it.  I recently found it, and as I go through each page and read every doodle, it's bringing back so many memories.  I wanted to share some of the thoughts and memories.

 This one was fun.  I remember doing this pretty clearly.  I had a lighter in my room for candles and incense.  I went to the bathroom sink because I was afraid.  First I cautiously burned the bottom right corner and blew the flame out - cool!  Then I burned the top right corner, blew it out, and gained confidence.  Then I decided to be cool and burned the center of the page.  It spread quickly and freaked me out.  So I threw the book in the sink and turned on the water, and then I decided to never set fire to anything else ever again.  Besides candles and incense.

 I made a Star of David out of tape and pieces of my hair, because why the heck not?

"my name is kate and I have an electric blue soul!"
"It kind of looks like Ben Duchan wrote this which is sad on his part" (Ben was my best friend. His handwriting was atrocious."
"let's see... douglebutt Swagglebutt poopadoop finklebutt" (these were words that Ben used randomly.  Swagglebutt, as many of you know, is now my internet persona.)
"Hi Kate <3 Merritt" (Merritt wrote that.)
"poopadoop" (again? okay, high school Kate, okay.)
"When I write w/ my Left hand I BUSCUITS" (written by Allison, upside-down for some reason.)

 I remember this day pretty clearly as well.  We were all sitting around the Drama Hall waiting for our director, because we THOUGHT there was rehearsal for our play, but the director never showed up.
"You suck! (not you, Kate) *cries* It has been an hour and 15 min since JFlo was supposed to be here.  He said he thought we wouldn't show up if he didn't post anything on the board.  STUPID DIRECTOR! *cries* *cries*"
I'm pretty sure Merritt wrote that page.  It looks an awful lot like her handwriting.

Out of everything, this one is probably my favorite.  I didn't bother to write much on this page, but what I did write, I love very much. 
"It's Christmas Day 2008 and I love everybody =D then I got some chocolate <3"
"Wall-E is teh b3st movie EVARR! ^_^"
"I <3 Nickie :)"
Okay, that last one isn't really accurate anymore, as Nickie was my high school boyfriend.  But it's still just such a nice little page.  Such nice thoughts.

 "well it mostly smells like burning, but I tried using Dragon's Blood incense." - 1/5/09
"cherry hemp lotion!" -1/8/09
Sadly, five years later, neither scent has stuck.  The page just smells like paper.  This page is sliced because a previous page says to cut through several layers of the book.

 This is from the same day as the Negative Thoughts page. 
"24 minutes since Jody was supposed to be here.  Freshmen doing Jumping Jacks.  Now Jody is 31 minutes late... Merritt trying to find his number"
"now he's 47 minutes late.  Merritt is going to sew my book." (there is a page that says "Sew this page!")
"45 minutes late. he's not coming."
"53 minutes late! we're waiting for our parents to get us."
"now it's been 91 minutes and I'm home and Jody sucks."
It's worth noting that this means we Drama Kids sat around in the school for an hour after school ended, waiting for rehearsal.  Because we were all so committed to theater that waiting around for AN HOUR when we could be home snacking, doing homework, or watching TV was totally acceptable.

 The title page.  (Sorry that these pictures are so out of order.)  Allison drew a little dude shouting "I'M A PURPLE!"  And she drew the little farting guy.  I'm pretty sure I did the rest on this page. 

The first instructions page.  It's pretty hectic, but allow me to guide you through the chaos.
First drawing you have is a red toaster with a piece of toast in it, then in blue it says "there's a button on the side if it pops up too soon push down again MAKE TOAST!"  It's from a song that some radio DJs make up or something.  I was pretty obsessed with it for a while in high school.
There's a giant piece of toast with melty orange butter in the middle.  Not sure why, probably because of the YEAH TOAST thing.
A little green cucumber thing, it's from Family Guy when Peter Griffin tries to create a dancing cucumber toy that's basically a vibrating dildo.
Along the side is a kitty that Merritt drew.
Someone - maybe Allison? - wrote "sparta!"
Several different types of smiley faces.
and at the bottom, I drew a Star of David, wrote yay, and filled in a few of the letters.

So there you have it, some highlights from my copy of Wreck This Journal.  It was a really fun journey down memory lane looking through the pages of this book.  And there are enough empty, undamaged pages left for me to make more memories!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "BISCUITS" is upside down because I thought my left hand could only write upside down.
